Draft Logo Project

Idea and Inspiration

For this logo I decided to go with a simplistic design that gave off a sophisticated yet creative vibe. The logo is for a childcare marketing company; that is why the crayon played an important part in the design. In order to take it from a very business savvy design, I was able to add the crayon to add a design related to the field the marketing is for. 

Design Process

I was scrolling through some pictures I recently took at a chldcare center and I found a prominent one that stuck out to me. The image was of a little boy holding a crayon straight ahead. In the photo the crayon was the main focus, so I immediately started thinking of ways to make it the main focus in my logo. The crayon symbolizes childcare centers and it fit perfectly as the I in digital. I really wanted the logo to be professional with a reference to childcare as well. 

When looking into a lot of logos for childcare centers, I was finding a lot of over the top child-like designs. To me, I felt it was catering to the kids, where it should be catering to the adults of the kids. For a marketing company being hired by childcae centers I wanted to make sure I referenced childcare creativity in a very strategic way that displayed proffesional and creative boundaries. The process for this design was very straight forward. I began by researching childcare marketing companies and their logos, this gave me an idea of what I did not want to do. I then decided to take a look in my own image folder to find inspiration. Once I found the crayon image I immediately started sketching ways to adapt it with the digital marketing wording. I also wanted to be able to add the name of the company in as well, without taking from the crayon design. I came up with multiple sketches, originally I liked the idea of including a sketch of the kid holding the crayon, but I quickly realized it took from the balance of the logo and made it too busy. That is when I started playing around with where to add the crayon. I decided it looked best as the I, versus going directly under “digital marketing” horizontally

Technical Detail

The image I got my inspiration from came directly from my personal image collection. However for the image I did’nt utilize any outlining effects as I initially planned. Inorder to create this design I started with the creation of the crayon. I used the rectangle tool to create the main part of the crayon, followed by the  polygon tool to make the tip of the crayon. I then added two more small rectangles to put at the base ends of the rectangle shape to create a difference for where the paper typically is around a crayon. I then played around with different colors for the crayon. I chose red because it seemed very professional and stood out. For the crayon I used the color tool to add different shades to showcase the different aprts of the crayon. Inorder to make the crayon less flat I used the 3D affect. I chose to extrude and bevel the crayon putting it an off axis front. I then chose plastic shading and set the shading color as black to add the most contrast. I think usimg black shading blended in the black words in the logo as a whole. I then set the highlight to come from the top right inorder to give the crayon a nice bright red color to be showcased. For the wording, I selected the type tool for the letter ‘d’, then again for “gital” marketing. Then two more times for ‘marketing’ and ‘c.rojas’. For the rest of the logo I focused greatly on the symmatry of the words and how the fonts all played out. For the word digital I chose ariel black font becase it is a bold font that matched the style of the crayon. I then used some appealing fonts for the markting and c.rojas words. I chose big caslon medium font for marketing because I wanted it to stand alone from the rest of the logo. I broke away from the rule of using more than two fonts because I didn’t like the way c. rojas looked in the big Caslon font. I wanted the c. rojas to stand out, but be subtle and not the main part of the logo. I chose to use sign painter font to add a cursive twist, this added a professional shift to the logo without taking from the design. During my research, I found a lot of over the top logos when it came to childcare fields. I wanted to really follow the K.I.S.S rule of keeping it simple. That is why I added in the crayon as the main visual shape. Deciding how to fit all the elements together was the toughest part. I wanted to make sure there was balance between the figures and ground and a fair amount of symmetry. I orginally had the c.rojas going vertically along the flat side of the d, but it didn’t balance out the image. That is when I decided to add it at top of the digital word. I did c. rojas leaned more towards the left and marketing towards the right.  To me, this seemed like the more viually pleasing design. 

Some areas I struggled with was creating the 3D affect to the crayon. I initially attempted a bubble affect, but it took away from the proffesional aspect. The next trick was figuring out the perfect angle for the image to tilt. 

3 thoughts on “Draft Logo Project

  1. Hi Chantel,
    This looks amazing! I feel like I can already picture this on a website. It’s totally fitting with your topic and target audience. Right away, the clean design grabbed my attention, with the contrast of black, white, and red all complimenting each other perfectly. I want to take some of the concepts you’ve used here and try to apply it to my project because this looks incredibly professional. At this point, I don’t think you’re very far from your final version at all. The only thing I could see changing is the crayon. It may be cool to use the gradient feature to make it look round, like the pencil tutorial. Of course, this is mostly out of curiosity because I really like it as is. If you decide to keep it as is, on the side of the crayon that’s shaded, try making the top and bottom of the crayon label more differentiated from the middle, so it looks more like two tones (I hope this makes sense, I’m not explaining it very well). Amazing job and thanks for sharing!


  2. I think that you did a great job of making a logo that is not only professional but creative and unique to your topic. You are well on your way with this project and with a few tweaks here and there, you will have a really incredible logo. The first thing that stood out to me was the color scheme. I love the bold choice of red with the black and white. It looks professional and is very aesthetically pleasing. I also thought the use of a crayon for the “I” in digital was fresh and fun! I would, however, suggest scaling down the crayon a little, it seems pretty big in proportion to the rest of the logo and it may make the logo appear more cohesive. I also think the you could play around with the colors of the crayon. Maybe darken then center and ends and lighten the spaced in between to make it look like a label and give more contrast. A gradient or some other effect might also be nice in addition to the shadow effect you created to give the crayon more dimension. Overall I think you did a great job and it fits with your topic, I can’t wait to see the final!


  3. For my project, I really like the simplistic and professional feel It has. I am going to ponder the idea of downsizing on the crayon. I wanted it to be the focal point, so I will have to reconsider the display. I also like the color combinations, and opted for the gradient look because I felt it was played out a bit and when I attempted it, It made the pencil look a bit too casual, versus the professional look I was going for. However, I am going to take the suggest on the crayon, making the shaded side darker so that it is differentiated from the label. I really enjoyed all the feedback, it is easy to see that preference and type of logo plays on how logos end up.


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